Balansgång i EU om klimatåtgärder för flyget

CORSIA. Samtidigt som åtgärder för att bromsa flygens växande utsläpp debatteras allt kraftigare i unionen spelar EU ett högt spel i samtalen om åtgärderna på internationell nivå.

Foto: Jack Taylor © European Union , 2015
Jacob Hederos

Grejen är att jag fortfarande inte vet om EU:s agerande var rätt eller fel

Therése Sjöberg
Sakkunnig miljö, Transportstyrelsen

När EU:s representant sent på fredagseftermiddagen den 4 oktober reste sig och höll unionens anförande inför de förhandlingströtta medlemmarna i FN:s flygorgan ICAO var det flera som höjde på ögonbrynen.


Resolutionen som ICAO tog

"CORSIA is the only global market-based measure applying to CO2 emissions from international aviation so as to avoid a possible patchwork of duplicative state or regional market-based measures, thus ensuring that international aviation CO2 emissions should be accounted for only once"

EU:s transportkommissionärs resonemang

Hör hela EU:s uttalande från den finska representanten här (från 36.30)

IATA:s position till EU-linjen:

"It is the industry view that the application of CORSIA on top of EU ETS, causing passengers to pay for their emissions twice, is inappropriate. A single global measure is more practical, transparent, and has a chance of greater public acceptance.
Having said all that. We accept that the EU ETS for aviation is a political reality that is unlikely to vanish overnight. The ETS has successfully mitigated emissions and it is therefore legitimate for the EU to wait and see the effectiveness of CORSIA before it decides what to do with EU ETS. We are confident that CORSIA will be robust and deliver millions of tonnes of independently-verified emissions reductions. At that point we would hope the EU would again consider the merits of embracing CORSIA as the single market-based measure."

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